Just a bad day not a bad life

Today was a day full of tests. Everything that could have gone wrong did but just because it was a bad day doesn’t mean it’s a bad life. The day was annoying but tomorrow could be amazing. “I have learned to be content no matter my current circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11) We never know how fast God can turn things around for us. Sometimes I believe He tests me to see if I have patience. Sometimes He tests me to see how strong my faith in Him is. Will I give up or . keep going? I have to keep pressing towards the mark of my higher calling. I have a dream and I don’t know how I’m going to get there but I can’t stop now because God’s grace covers me.

Moses was supposed to lead his people out of the wilderness but he didn’t make it into the promised land because he broke faith with God. Moses was an amazing leader whom God loved and considered His first born but his disbelief kept him out of the land. We need to be like David during these hard times and serve while we wait for our help. David was a musician before Saul came to his rescue and then he became king. Most importantly we need to have faith like Job… he was a righteous man who lost it all; his kids, wealth, health, etc. Despite it all he never lost his faith in God. For this God gave him back double than what he had lost.

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